Monday, August 17, 2009

A story noticed in pictures of DaNang

There's Tom rounding the corner of a building. I wonder where he's going.

Looks like he's following Amanda inside.

Oh, we're at the Cham museum. And there's Jan off in the distance, leading the whole group.


  1. Sorry, but this is an unrepentently useless blog post devoid of any meaningful insight and having even less merit than my earlier grocery list post with the prices of various items in Vietnam.
    But I was amused by it when I was browsing my photos. Something about the different colors of the clothes and the angles people stood in relation to each other.
    I'm explaining all this in the comments section, by the way, so as to not break the 4th wall in my narrative masterpiece.

  2. It looks like you're stalking Tom in these pictures ;p
